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79% au auzit de Romania... si asta este un lucru bun. Canada sta mai prost cu istoria...inca a fost si cineva membru UE care nu a auzit de noi...

I don't remember- it's just something you pick up. I might have first heard the name in the book Lydia, Queen of Palestine, by Ori Orlev... but I'm not sure.

Am dat un mic Search pe google ca sa vad la ce se refera :D :

"The book I read was called Lydia, Queen of Palestine. It's about this Romanian Jewish girl, who's parents are devorst and she doesn't know it! Since German Soldiers were running every where, she went on a train to a community in Palestine. Her mother was going to be smuggled into Palestine later by a boatsman. This community is a fenced in place where everybody doesn't lock their doors or anything."

Propun decat sa investim milioane de $ in publicitate care nu prea au efect...mai bine platim scriitorii ca sa scrie despre Romania... vad ca e mai de Efect ... Trist

Well it is a member of the EU!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonim said...
    Now, bend over!:D

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