Sturmgeist89 or Naturalselection89 - Criminal pe youtube - masacru intr-un liceu din firlanda
la 12:21 a.m.Şocant - Atac mortal la un liceu din Finlanda
2007 11 08| de Jurnalul National Finlanda, ţară cu o rată a criminalităţii extrem de scăzută, este în stare de şoc după ce un tânăr de 18 ani a deschis focul în incinta unui liceu, omorând cel puţin şapte persoane, potrivit bilanţului actual al Poliţiei. Incidentul a avut loc în oraşul Tuusula, la 40 de kilometri de Helsinki.
Pekka-Erik Auvinen This it`s his real name
OK,va intrebati...ce are el mai special decat altii criminali ? Pai in primul rand ca acest copil a omorat acei elevi si profesorii ca sa ajunga vedeta pe Youtube, cea ce era totusi dar a vrut sa fie si mai mare.El era cunoscut de mult ca fiind un antisocial. Pagina lui pe youtube a fost inchisa dar am apucat sa fac rost de comentari precum si profilul lui complet.
I`l try to make a scenario about what hapened the days before the masacre.
the thing that has make his dream seems posible was a sugestion from a friend that tould him that in GErmany, a kid wounded 5 persons :
"R-X was a 18-year old german anarchist and YouTube-member, who shoot up his former school on 11/20/06, wounded 5 persons with shots and 32 with smoke inhalations, before commiting suicide. I don't think he's very famous outside germany." Before that he was like : Ok i make macabre video and shit like that : "
I have been myself also very very very nihilistic lately, and have been making some quite macabre art (my latest videos LOL) |
After he hearded about the guy and his friend InvictusTV also tould him about another serial killer:
"Did you've heard something on the news about Alexander Pitschuschkin, a russian serial murder, who had tried to brake Andrei Tschikatilo's record? "
This make him feel left apart and not feeling the action.The rage in him grow that can be seen from his new avatar... Ub3rdude play a important task in the growing hate of Sturmgeist89 that he was not beleaving the stuff that he was breaging about. Once a gain InvictusTV helped Sturmgeist89 to think that his idea`s where the REAL one`s... .the comment below speak from therselfes.
![]() | Im not even joking! And only small amount of my videos are just jokes, lol. | |
![]() | Just like I imagined. You are a joke. |
![]() | He is just closed-minded and obedient authority lover and looks like he admires EU and strong federal government. |
I suck at english i know... someone pliz correct the text and email me at
And the siucide note of R-X , the man that inspired Sturmgeist89 to kill.
O discutie interesanta in care se arata cat de mult dorea faima
An interesting conversation :
![]() | FUCK OFF! Love it.....Good vids mate Sean |
![]() | Oh and btw did you see my "Death & Destruction" vid. That is something I enjoyed myself very much while making it and still enjoy watching it hehe. "This is genocide, the systematic and deliberate destruction of all life!" |
![]() | damnit I made typos, "human human extinction" lol |
![]() | Thanks for the link! It sure is interesting to read. My favorite human human extinction scenarios include massive asteroid collision, nuclear war and - possibly my favorite - biological virus that would kill all humans (wish there was such virus, that would only infect humans :P especially the retarded and stupid ones with inferior genes lol.) |
![]() | Im sure... Saws are good movies :P Muahahaha! |
![]() | ATTENTION: its here now on you tube.. ENDGAME - ALEX JONES.. for all those who love freedom and hate psychapathy! |
![]() | 26? Whoever unsubscribed: FUCK YOU! |
![]() | I have been myself also very very very nihilistic lately, and have been making some quite macabre art (my latest videos LOL) |
A friend of Sturmgeist89 and his profile :
Inscription : 30 septembre 2007
Dernière connexion : il y a 2 heures
Vidéos visionnées : 99
Abonnés : 0
Vues (chaîne) : 169
Vues (chaîne) : 169
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Most call me a Nazi for my views, but thats just because they dont understand them
I'm a realist
read Sturmgeist89's channel description...matches my own pretty much
Âge : 62Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
Most call me a Nazi for my views, but thats just because they dont understand them
I'm a realist
read Sturmgeist89's channel description...matches my own pretty much
Pays : États-Unis
![]() | But it doesn't mean I would be a communist, social democrat or capitalist. Im not them either. Or that I would believe in equality... no way lol! |
![]() | No, Im not national socialist ehehe. |
![]() | Thanks for comment, NietzscheanSpirit, hehe. |
![]() | hhhmm for a retard that cant upload videos because the manual didnt have enough pictueres u seem to act all big. Wanker K.C |
![]() | I don't look like a monkey. What are you, brainless? "Yes." |
![]() | Thank you for the invite brother, WHITE POWER!!! 1488 |
![]() | Can I rent a caveman here? |
![]() | @ Sturmgeist89 Yep, it's society. Why do you think has the escape from reality industry, entertainment and drugs, become the core of our whole economy? @ Locke840 I'm not a Christian, and I have no idea what you are talking about. Who weren't what? Christianity and monotonoistic religions as a whole a junk, those people who wrote the holy books of those religions would have been put in jail right away if copy right existed back than! There is nothing original but everything stolen from somewhere else. The story of Kai who slains his brother for example is almost a 1:1 copy from the Roman founder myth of Romulus and Remus! |
![]() | I thought you said that you weren't Christian... Btw, no they weren't. It was only cited in the New Testemant to be the Pharisees, and that was because they were abusing their power and not following the Torah. |
![]() | Yeah I guess you are right... society is sick, not me... I live in some sort of absurdistan too! I made a video of my home country sometime ago lol. |
![]() | @ Sturmgeist89 That's the incfuence of our sourroundings, isn't nihilistic and sick what best describes our society? |
![]() | @ Locke840 666.... weren't jews called "children of the divil" in the middle ages? :-) Good luck on your journey. |
![]() | Just as you once said, I do not wish to be regarded as a member of any society which I have not joined on my own account. You have yet to reach self-awareness, so why don't you focus on that before you criticize others. Cool! I am the 666th comment! |
![]() | "Human diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue; it makes it a requirement for survival." ~Celebrations of Life, 1981 ~Rene Dubos |
![]() | Fascism and Communism are both two sides of a bad coin--- murderous statism. |
![]() | I think Il uplaod my philosophy vids later... I have been feeling bit nihilistic and sick of everything lately and have been making more macabre art, but il upload those vids back hehe. |
Nimeni nu l-a crezut in stare..... Profilul lui totusi spunea totul...
Style: Variety
Joined: October 19, 2007
Last Login: 9 hours ago
Videos Watched: 167
Subscribers: 32
Channel Views: 2,223
Channel Views: 2,223
aka NaturalSelector89 (3/15/2007 - 10/19/2007).
YouTube suspended my previous account but I am back now :) My new account name is German and means "Stormspirit" in English.
Name: EricYouTube suspended my previous account but I am back now :) My new account name is German and means "Stormspirit" in English.
Age: 18
Male from Finland.
I am a cynical existentialist, antihuman humanist, antisocial socialdarwinist, realistic idealist and godlike atheist.
Revolutions will come, governments will collapse, manipulative mafia & idiocratic rule of majority will be replaced with freedom and justice.
My utopia: Weak-minded people as slaves, intelligent people as free. What I mean is that they who think deep political & philosophical issues, and are capable of intelligent existential thinking, should be free and rulers... and the weak-minded masses / robots, they can be slaves since they do not mind it now either and because their minds are on so retarded level. The gangsters that now rule societies, will get what they deserve.
Realistic views: Hate... Im so full of it and I love it. That is one thing I really love. It is almost impossible to change the system. The faster human race is wiped out from this planet, the better... no one should be left alive. No mercy for the scum of earth.
Fuck political correctness, fuck equality, fuck tolerance and fuck democracy...
...and what is democracy anyway? Dictatorship of the moral majority which is manipulated by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system.
Long live the REVOLUTION against the system, which enslaves not only the weak-minded retards but also the small minority of intelligent and strong-minded people.
Life is just a coincidence... result of long process of evolution and many several factors, causes and effects. However, life is also something that an individual wants and determines it to be. And I... I'm the dictator of my own life.
What is the best thing in life? It ends. Well I guess there are some other great things, worth living for, but sometimes you lose them or don't get them.
Today the process of natural selection is totally misguided. Modern human race has not only betrayed its ancestors, but the future generations too.
It's time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!
Religious people, your gods are nothing and exists only in your heads. Your slave morals means nothing to me. I'm the god & devil of my own life.
Evolution is both a theory and a fact, creationism is neither one.
If hell and heaven really existed... all the interesting people would go to hell!
Human life is not sacred. Humans are just a species among other animals and world does not exist only for humans. Death is not a tragedy, it happens in nature all the time between all species. Not all human lives are important or worth saving. Sometimes I feel like no one is really worth of life at all.
Due to long process of existential thinking, observing the society I live and some other things happened in my life... I have come to the point where I feel nothing but hate against humanity and human race.
There are no other universal laws than the laws of nature and the laws of physics.
Trust no one... and rely on your instincts.
I am the law, judge and executioner. There is no higher authority than me.
Justice renders to everyone his due.
Country: FinlandI am a cynical existentialist, antihuman humanist, antisocial socialdarwinist, realistic idealist and godlike atheist.
Revolutions will come, governments will collapse, manipulative mafia & idiocratic rule of majority will be replaced with freedom and justice.
My utopia: Weak-minded people as slaves, intelligent people as free. What I mean is that they who think deep political & philosophical issues, and are capable of intelligent existential thinking, should be free and rulers... and the weak-minded masses / robots, they can be slaves since they do not mind it now either and because their minds are on so retarded level. The gangsters that now rule societies, will get what they deserve.
Realistic views: Hate... Im so full of it and I love it. That is one thing I really love. It is almost impossible to change the system. The faster human race is wiped out from this planet, the better... no one should be left alive. No mercy for the scum of earth.
Fuck political correctness, fuck equality, fuck tolerance and fuck democracy...
...and what is democracy anyway? Dictatorship of the moral majority which is manipulated by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system.
Long live the REVOLUTION against the system, which enslaves not only the weak-minded retards but also the small minority of intelligent and strong-minded people.
Life is just a coincidence... result of long process of evolution and many several factors, causes and effects. However, life is also something that an individual wants and determines it to be. And I... I'm the dictator of my own life.
What is the best thing in life? It ends. Well I guess there are some other great things, worth living for, but sometimes you lose them or don't get them.
Today the process of natural selection is totally misguided. Modern human race has not only betrayed its ancestors, but the future generations too.
It's time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!
Religious people, your gods are nothing and exists only in your heads. Your slave morals means nothing to me. I'm the god & devil of my own life.
Evolution is both a theory and a fact, creationism is neither one.
If hell and heaven really existed... all the interesting people would go to hell!
Human life is not sacred. Humans are just a species among other animals and world does not exist only for humans. Death is not a tragedy, it happens in nature all the time between all species. Not all human lives are important or worth saving. Sometimes I feel like no one is really worth of life at all.
Due to long process of existential thinking, observing the society I live and some other things happened in my life... I have come to the point where I feel nothing but hate against humanity and human race.
There are no other universal laws than the laws of nature and the laws of physics.
Trust no one... and rely on your instincts.
I am the law, judge and executioner. There is no higher authority than me.
Justice renders to everyone his due.
Occupation: Unemployed Philosopher, Outcast
Companies: Human Race (evolved one step above though)
Interests and Hobbies: Existentialism, Freedom, Truth, Misantrophy, Social / Personality Psychology, Evolution Science, Political Incorrectness, Women, BDSM, Guns, Shooting, Computer Games, Sarcasm, Irony, Mass / Serial Killers, Macabre Art, Black Comedy, Absurdism
Movies and Shows: The Matrix, A View To A Kill, Falling Down, Natural Born Killers, Reservoir Dogs, Last Man Standing, Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Butcher MD (aka Zombie Holocaust), Saw 1-3, Lord Of War, The Deer Hunter, True Romance, The Untouchables, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Idiocracy, They Live, Apocalypse Now, End Of Days, The Shining, The Dead Zone, Dr. Strangelove, House MD (TV), Monty Python, TV Documentaries Relating To History
Music: KMFDM, Rammstein, Eisbrecher, Nine Inch Nails, Grendel, Impaled Nazarene, Macabre, Deathstars, The Prodigy, Combichrist, Godsmack, Slayer, Children Of Bodom, Alice Cooper, Sturmgeist, Suicide Commando, Hatebreed, Suffocation, Terrorizer
Books: Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 1984 (Orwell), Brave New World (Huxley), The Republic (Plato), all works of Nietzsche
Cel care a lasat comment InvictusTV a fost si el banat... poate si din cauza ca era abonat la NaturalSelector89 aka Sturmgeist89 si ca avea acelasi idei :
![]() | I don't think I should write I book... I don't value money ehehe. |
![]() | O how nice, another retard has commented me. |
![]() | HEY can you fuckin retards not just message each other instead of cluttering up this piece of space with your gay shit,or are you afraid to have a private conversation or just too shy..stick your names down on that dumbass list you have up there,put your names on top..dumbass's. |
![]() | Publish a book with your thoughts like other philosophs, I think many people will read it :) |
![]() | I started to write my manifesto few days ago ehehe. Some general philosophy of mine :P |
![]() | Are you going to make any videos in the future (philosophy, comedy, satire, films, games etc...)? |
![]() | Hey ,how has your weekend been Invictus? |
![]() | Hope it will come soon, muhahahaha! |
![]() | The EU has no future... not in my Natural World Empire scenario! Muahahaha! (lol) |
Joined: June 17, 2007
Last Login: 11 minutes ago
Videos Watched: 80
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Channel Views: 629
Channel Views: 629
Look at my whole account and then write to me, if you want.
Spoken languages: German, English and a little bit french but please don't write me in french; my french is weak.
The legendary dumbass-gang of YouTube:
JamesSteal: Islamic fundamentalist from Canada and Lee's friend, who's into Seung-Hui Cho and loves some countries because the USA don't accept them (suspendet after making some politicaly incorrect^^ jokes). Now his name is MrJamesSteal aka "Sir"JamesSteal.
LeeJinTae: North-Korean communist and James' friend.
lonelygirls17: Gay, pedophile, suspendet after showing videos with naked children and James' and Lee's ambivalent enemy. His later names were/are gotitans99 (closed) and now imthatoneguyyosee.
You're all so fucking funny, I could die because of laughing about you all the time.
Age: 18Spoken languages: German, English and a little bit french but please don't write me in french; my french is weak.
The legendary dumbass-gang of YouTube:
JamesSteal: Islamic fundamentalist from Canada and Lee's friend, who's into Seung-Hui Cho and loves some countries because the USA don't accept them (suspendet after making some politicaly incorrect^^ jokes). Now his name is MrJamesSteal aka "Sir"JamesSteal.
LeeJinTae: North-Korean communist and James' friend.
lonelygirls17: Gay, pedophile, suspendet after showing videos with naked children and James' and Lee's ambivalent enemy. His later names were/are gotitans99 (closed) and now imthatoneguyyosee.
You're all so fucking funny, I could die because of laughing about you all the time.
City: Schilda
Country: Germany
Interests and Hobbies: History, Politics, Philosophy, Middle Ages, Third Reich, WWII, Columbine, Revisionism, Astronomy, Diskussions, drawing, videos, camping
Movies and Shows: Event Horizon, The 13th Warrior, Army Of Darkness, Abbuzze, Kleines Arschloch, 28 Weeks Later, Ballermann 6, The Basketball Diaries, Tremors 1-3, From Dusk Till Dawn, American History X, Deathwatch, Conan The Barbarian, Alien 1-2, Married...With Children (TV), movies in which humans are the prey and History-Documentaries
Music: böhse onkelz, KMFDM, Rammstein
si un video despre el de acum 4 luni
This it`s only the beginning , now other extremist like him will try to outbeat this guy.....
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very handy, thanx a lot for this blpg -- This is what I was looking for.